Running on 2 computers
Running simulations on 2 separate computers (one running Windows, the other running Linux) can have significant performance advantages over running Linux on a virtual machine, most notably in applications where GPU processing is required by programs running on Linux. Here is a brief guide to configuring the simulation platform to run across two machines.
Ensure both machines are on the same local network. An ethernet connection is highly recommended.
First, find your Windows machine's local IP address. In the Unity editor on your Windows machine, locate the 'Force Control Manager' component and set it's IP address parameter.
On your Linux machine, open the ros_clients node's config.yaml (catkin_ws/src/ros_clients/config/config.yaml), and use the same IP address as step 2.
Secondly, find your Linux machine's local IP address. On your Windows machine, navigate to the Sensor.cs file (Gemini\Gemini-Unity\Assets\Gemini\Scripts\EMRSensors\Core\Sensor.cs). Change the IP address on line 18 to the IP address of your Linux machine.
On your Linux machine, open the ros_adapter node's config.yaml (catkin_ws/src/ros_adapter/config/config.yaml), and use the same IP address as step 4.
After launching the ROS nodes, Gemini should be ready to run.
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