Task Description

The 2021 Njord Autonomous Ship Challenge is a simulation-based competition focusing on the largest challenges facing the autonomisation of the marine industry. Teams are tasked with designing a guidance system capable of situational awareness and collision avoidance. Using a standardised vessel and sensor suite, participants will compete by completeing various challenges in an efficient and safe manner.

The 2021 Challenge is split into four categories. The first three test the vessel's autonomous capabilities in a number of different situations and conditions. The final category is the Technical Report, described in further detail here.

The first category of challenges test the vessel's situational awareness in trafficked waters. In this category, the vessel will drive a predetermined path (unknown to the teams beforehand), and the team's system must adequately communicate what it has detected. This can include other vessels, with their position, velocity and heading, as well as other noteworthy objects, such as seamarkers. In this category, the presentation of data is a significant portion of the challenge.

The second category of challenges test the vessel's autonomous docking capabilities. Receiving only a GPS coordinate of the destination dock, the guidance system must maneuver the vessel towards the dock and ensure minimal deacceleration upon impact. The difficulty will be iteratively increased with obstacles such as other vessels docked nearby, and environmental factors such as wind.

The third category of challenges aims to tie these various aspects together. Teams will be tasked with safely transiting from a starting position, passing through trafficked waters and finally docking at the goal destination.


Following the mentioned categories, the three teams with the highest total score will qualify for the finals, which will take place in the final hours of the second competition day. Further details regarding the schedule for the competition days will be made available in due time.

Final hand-in of the guidance system

To be able to remotely run each team's guidance system, we require all teams to build their systems in a Docker container which can be sent to us before the deadline in August. The container should be configured such that it interfaces correctly with the Njord platform without further configuration. Note: If your team cannot export your system as a Docker container, please contact us. We have the capacity to agree on solutions other than Docker, but expect some additional work should you choose to request this.

Last updated