8.2 General Task Rules
For each task, the team will have 15 minutes and have two attempts to complete each subtask.
If a problem appears, the ASV has 20 seconds searching autonomously, after 20 seconds, the team take control and use remote control to get the ASV back on course. Then return behind the last successful buoy pair passed autonomously
For the task each run willl be timed as part of the evaluation. The timer start when the ASV goes into autonomous mode and end when the challenge is done.
Must adhere to the COLREGs listed here: (https://www.imo.org/en/About/Conventions/Pages/COLREG.aspx)
Navigation buoys are indetified according to main channel direction.
Teams are assigned unique numbers at the start of the competition. The time slots for each competition day is randomized. A new draw will be done at the start of each day. The time schedule, GPS points and additional information will be handed out 8:00 (GMT+2) on each competition day.
On Monday, the 11th, at 10:00, the chosen team begins, marking the official start. The other competition days the first team starts at 09:00. Each team has to be at the competition arena with their vessel from 08:30 until after the last team of the day.
No testing on the water is done by the teams from 08:30 until the end of the competition day.
Upon completion or forfeiture in a category, the next team gets ready next to the barge of the saunas and wait there until their timeslot starts indicated by the chief marshall. This fosters camaraderie as teams are forced to be present, enhancing the experience for participants and spectators.
If the ASV goes off course, it must re-enter before the last passed gate or waypoint
Last updated